Palliative care representative, 3 year position
We are looking for a palliative care representative to join our executive committee. The executive committee oversees the running of the society and is made up of representatives from clinical, nursing, psychiatry, psychology and academic backgrounds as well as postgraduate students and patient representatives.
The committee meets four times a year (one face to face meeting, the remainder via teleconference) and at the AGM which is usually conducted as part of the yearly conference. Committee members assist with the ongoing development and promotion of the society and contribute to conference planning and organisation.
If you are interested, or would like further information please contact Kate Absolom (Chair, for an informal discussion.
Applicants are asked to submit a covering letter, detailing why they would like to join the committee, and a short CV to Sarah Dickinson ( by Friday 31st May 2019 at 5pm. The Executive Committee will decide on appointments. If there is more than one application and the BPOS executive committee cannot decide between applications, there is the possibility of applicants going to a member wider vote.