2018 Conference

The 2018 Joint hosted BPOS & NCRI Psychosocial Oncology and Survivorship Clinical Studies Group Annual Conference

This was held Thursday 8th – Friday 9th March 2018 at the Grand Harbour Hotel, Southampton and the theme was, ‘Making a difference in psycho-oncology from evidence to implementation’.

 Diana Harcourt’s keynote, BPOS 2018

Professor Glenn Robert, King’s College London on Patients and staff as co-designers of healthcare services: co-creating patient experiences and staff wellbeing’? Glenn Robert’s keynote, BPOS 2018

We also had an enthusiastically received workshop: How to write a lay summary Helen Bulbeck, brainstrust, and a Service Innovation Symposium, as well as oral presentations, posters and e-posters and a lunch with mentors.

The “Both days inc acc” package in registration includes accommodation for the Thursday evening at the Grand Harbour Hotel.  The following is included for delegates who register for this package:

Should delegates wish to book bed & breakfast accommodation for the night before  the conference please make your own arrangements by calling the hotel’s reservation department on 02380633033 or by emailing ghreservations@grandharbourhotel.co.uk  You must use the following code to receive the BPOS rate of £105: “UNIO010318”  .

Other nearby hotels may be found at www.booking.com.

Please see below the guidance for poster, e-poster and oral presentations for the British Psychosocial Oncology Society Annual Conference 2018. Please see the website for the draft conference programme: https://www.bpos.org/