Cancer & Relationships with Others
2nd & 3rd December, Chester
The theme of our 2010 conference was ‘Cancer and Relationships with Others’ and was held at the Hilton Doubletree Hotel, Chester. Despite having to battle against snowy weather and even a fire at Chester Train Station (!), we welcomed over 80 delegates over the course of the two day event, some of whom from as far afield as Scandinavia. Stimulating and inspiring keynote lectures were given by Peter Rose (Oxford University), Anne Grinyer (Lancaster University) and James Brennan (Bristol University). James ppoke as part of a specially included symposium co-organised with the British Psychological Society Special Interest Group in Oncology and Palliative Care.
In a new format, research presentations were followed by a panel discussion with each of the speakers. Sessions and speakers included:
Cancer Survivorship: Simon Rogers (Edge Hill), Emma Blows (Nottingham), Liz Forbat (Stirling) and Ada Kedding (Leeds).
Psychosocial Assessment in Clinical Practice: Sally Taylor and Elena Takeuchi (Leeds)
Measuring adjustment and outcomes: Nick Hulbert-Williams (Chester), Teresa Young (Mount Vernon Cancer Centre) and Clare Harley (Leeds)
Cancer and relationships with others: Eika Adams (Oxford Bookes),Fiona Kennedy (Sheffield), and Wendy Nicholls (Wolverhampton).
Congratulations to Teresa Young, Clare Harley and Austin Snowden, who won our prizes for best oral presentations, and best poster presentation.
You can read a full conference report in the 2011 (issue 1) BPOS Newsletter.